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Some excerpts of the orders already carried out and ongoing:


Anti-racism: CLAIM Alliance - LKA Berlin

On behalf of the CLAIM Alliance against Islamophobia and Muslim Hostility and the State Criminal Police Office in Berlin, I conducted three full-day workshops as a racism-critical trainer in 2021 as part of the project "Anti-Muslim Racism: Recognize-Record-Act". My work was rated very well by the participants in the evaluations.


Anti-racism: ESG Hanover

I have the Evangelische Studierendengemeinde Hannover (ESG) in 2019  Two anti-racism workshops were given as part of the event "Protect Diversity - Strong Together Against Discrimination".


Anti-racism: Anne Frank Education Center

In 2019 I gave an anti-racism workshop for the Anne Frank Educational Center - Center for Political Education and Counseling in Hesse as part of the symposium "Label Muslim - Anti-Muslim Racism and Empowerment for Young People".


Empowerment: AWO Bielefeld

Since 2021 I have been leading regularly for the  Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO) Empowerment workshop for refugee women with the title "Action strategies against racism".


Moderator: TGD Germany

For the Turkish community in Germany, I have been moderating the working group "Yazidi - Muslim encounters" as part of the ongoing project "Muslim diversity in conversation" since 2020.


Empowerment & power sharing: City of Hamm

I've been bidding for this since 2020 Municipal Integration Center - City of Hamm Anti-racism workshops on "racism-critical support for people with a refugee background" and empowerment workshops.


Heinrich Böll Foundation Lower Saxony

For the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Foundation for Life and the Environment the anti-racism workshop took place at the Multitude Festival Summer Academy. Here the focus was on racism and its consequences using the example of the terrorist attack in Hanau, Black Lives Matter protests and an examination of  criticism of racism and feminism.


School and awareness

At the H. Gymnasium Göttingen and the IGS Sahlkamp, it was important to me to create spaces for knowledge critical of racism and to strengthen an understanding of diversity at the workshop "Awareness in the classroom - discrimination-sensitive school".


Allyship & Powersharing: Youth Association Germany

Together with participants from a nationwide youth association, we dealt with the topic "How to be an Ally?". As a racism-critical trainer, I worked with the group in the context of "Powersharing - What do we do with power?" worked hard.



Other events and publications by me:


Anti-racism workshop: Leuphana University of Lüneburg - Coraci festival contre le racisme


Empowerment workshop: "Prejudices and racism" - working group for migrants, migrants and refugees in Lower Saxony


Empowerment Workshop: "Word, Image, Net - Anti-Muslim Racism" - Association of Lower Saxony Education Initiative VNB  registered association


Keynote speaker - Muslim-Jewish Festival Berlin on Jewish and Muslim realities; queer, feminist, anti-racist, religious, secular


Spotify Podcast: "BLM - Inner Racism, Fear and the Real World" - Kulturfabrik Bochum


Publication: " Experience, recognize, fight - intersectional campaign work against anti-Muslim racism ", contribution to intersectionality in relation to anti-Muslim racism - Take Over Berlin eV  


Keynote: "Migration background?! An insight into the discourse" - Department of Integration Policy, Migration and Integration Officer Bremen  


Lectureship : "Racism-critical social work" - Hanover University - Diakonie, health & social affairs


and more



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